Friday, May 13, 2005

the routine

They say dogs are creatures of habit. They like to eat in the same place, go out at the same times, sleep at the same times, pee in the same place. Its funny to me because I know its true. My dog has a really funny routine every day and his day isnt complete until we have gone through each and every one of the steps before he can rest at night. If you miss one he will bug you and bug you until you figure out which one you forgot. So our day starts:

6:15AM-alarm goes off, he "sneaks" up onto the bed with me until I get up.
6:20AM- as i walk to the bathroom he gets in front of me and walks head first through my legs and stands there between your legs until you hug him. We call this his Cody-Bear hug. (Unsuspecting people are startled when he tries to "hug" them.)
6:25AM-As I get ready in the bathroom he lays behind my feet.
6:55AM-we both go downstairs and he finds his collar for me to put on.
6:56AM-we prop the back door open s he can go out, but he just peeks his head out the doggy door for his morning weather report.
6:57AM-He gets fed, but he will just sit there and stare at it unless you put a little something extra on it, thank goodness for Iams savory sauce in bacon flavor. He then takes one piece of food, and walks out of the room to eat it, sometimes he takes it in his mouth and tosses it into the kitchen and chases it and then eats it, and then comes back and I kiss him on the head and say "be a good boy" if I forget this part, and open the door to leave, he will try and walk with me out the door.
7AM-5:45PM- I am not home so I can only suspect that he eats his food, goes out for a potty, and sleeps until someone comes home.
5:45PM- I get home and listen for the jingle of his collar as he runs to me and gives me a Cody-Bear hug, sometimes he goes in and out of my legs a few times and that is when I know he has had a boring day and hes really excited to see me so I just stand there and scratch his back until he’s done.
6:00PM- we go outside for play. He goes straight to the huge bottle of bubbles and stands there until we play. Normally its windy out so this makes it fun for him to chase the bubbles all over the yard and eat them, the bubbles are also bacon flavored. We play until he sits down on my feet. Sometimes we play Frisbee afterwards but lately since its been hotter he just lays down and pants.
6:30-7PM-We play randomly with whatever object he brings us, football, Frisbee, sock, ball...its his choice.
7PM-he will sit in front of you and stare at you until you ask "are you hungry?" and then he stands up and gives you the cute head tilt as if that is sign language for yes. And he will then excitedly follow you to where he’s fed and follows the same procedure he does at breakfast with the sauce, and taste test.
7:15PM when he’s finished eating he will then bug my mother until she gets up and cooks dinner. He will stick his head in her lap, crawl up into her chair, put his paws up on her, anything until she gets up and cooks dinner! It is the strangest thing, because when she does, he stops being so antsy and lays down in the kitchen while whoever it is cooks dinner.
Most nights he knows when mom is feeding our cat, so he stays on her heels the whole time and then watches the kitty eat, and whines at her to come out and play with him.
After dinner-the bugging routine continues until it is dark enough outside to play his favorite game...Flashlight! We used to play inside but he has started a new habit of barking at the flashlight while he chases it so we do this out in the back yard.

After chasing the flashlight his day is usually complete and he can finally rest. so he lays down in front of dads recliner, and someone takes off his collar. He will stay there until the last person goes to bed, and then he will either go upstairs and sleep on the stairway landing, or in front of my door until my alarm goes off the next morning and then our day starts all over again.
It is so funny to see this, because he likes it to be exactly the same every single day!


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