Thursday, May 19, 2005

on small creatures and great fantasies

All green lights today! It's definitely a good start to the day when there is not any road rage involved. I am a little disappointed because I just saw someone pull up in our parking lot, and this is supposed to be MY time here early! Oh well she will just have to listen to me type away before I start any work.
Small Creatures:
It's like a virtual nature preserve outside the building where I work. Every morning I drive up and I see a different animal. There are three ducks that wander around in the area and swim in a lttle pond nearby. I wonder why there are three...
Then there are the Sandpipers. They just had two little hatchlings and they are so cute! They have teesy tiny little bodies and these huge long legs. Momma is very protective and sometimes they run under her legs and she sits on them to hide them and protect them from the evil giant redhead that stomps about in their parking lot. There are bunnies, and deer, and cows...and tons of other birds. Its really pretty. I wish I could get a good pic of the baby sandpipers, they are so adorable. My camera phone just doesnt have the zoom I need.
Great Fantasies:
So I feel like today will be a good day. There were more JB dreams last night. I dreamt I stumbled across a book he wrote under an alias so No one would ever know. He wrote about his childhood and included me in there somewhere. We were all sitting around a table reminiscing about our school days, and I was reading this book. I discovered there were more. A girl that he had dated in high school was at the table with us, I was always jealous of her. Then JB and I were alone and he knew I had read about it. He sat really close to me and kissed down my neck. When I woke up I still had goose bumps. FACT=All JB dreams are Good dreams.
A little back-story on JB: He was always the quiet one in our circle of friends, and I always had a crush on him in school, always. I was perpetually waiting for him to ask me out. We were always in the same circle, and even to this day we share the same group of friends although I only keep in touch with them every so often. He was always the guy that showed up out of the blue when I was in the middle of a relationship, and when I was single he would be the one in a relationship. It has been this back and forth thing over the years. In college we had a little long distance "fling" through letters and phone calls. But since I was in a relationship at the time, I had to stop all contact. He ended up sending me a mix tape that I still have with a note saying "These songs make me think of you" ugh, it still makes me gush when I think of all the songs he taped for me. They were almost all John Lennon songs. We had actually been in touch up until a couple years ago through e-mail. One day I got an email from HIS WIFE telling me to please stop sending emails. He’s married? He friggin married a big fat girl we went to school with, (with the same initials as me.) After I found out, he sent me a few pictures of his family, he even has TWO KIDS! So I made him a mix CD and sent it to him. Thats the last I heard from him. Ugh. I still have a crush on him. One day our paths will cross again, it has happened that way our whole lives.


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