Monday, March 27, 2006


March 27

It was a flashback weekend.
Since mom and dad will be moving soon, the house needs to be ready for potential buyers to come tour soon. My job this weekend was to box up and take whatever I could cram into my car. The rest will be sold in a garage sale. So of course I had to go “save” my old things from being sold away to random people who won’t appreciate them right? HECK YEAH! I went straight for the guest room where all my old stuffed animals and dolls from childhood have been kept. I couldn’t bring myself to throw anything away, so I just took everything I possibly could.

There was also an adventure in the attic that proved to be worth my while. Since my parents have moved into that house I have been searching for my rock collection. I used to love love love collecting rocks. My Uncle even gave me this incredible collection of geological rocks and minerals that were labeled and bagged nicely. All these years I had feared mom and dad had sold the collection off in a yard sale, I finally found them boxed up in the attic! The box contained my old rock polisher and tins full of polished agates and other rocks. I wonder if it still works.

In addition to the rocks, I successfully saved the Barbie collection, the Strawberry Shortcake collection, my cabbage patch doll, Holly Hobbie, my unicorn collection, my sticker collection, a few books, garbage-pail kids’ cards, and some stuffed animals. Now, I don’t have a clue what the heck I am going to do with these things, but no one else is going to have them by golly! They just won’t appreciate them like I did! I will save them for my future children I suppose. I hope I have girls because if I have boys they are going to have to play with dolls and like unicorns!

While mom and I were in the attic, we found a bag full of my baby stuff including a journal my mom kept for the first 20 months of my life. It is full of insightful information and I hope to read it one day for advice on my own babies. Mom read some things aloud to me, as she flipped through it remembering. One thing that was hilarious, at 5 months I was reaching for things. She said I was intrigued with whatever anyone was drinking, so dad gave me a sip of his beer- (thus began the love of alcohol! Ha ha!) She also said “...I think she likes the coldness of beer...” Yeah, that is my new excuse for loving beer; I just love it for the coldness of it! That’s the ticket! I love new excuses.

Tonight at my house, if you were to be a fly on the wall I will probably be playing with my strawberry shortcake dolls on the floor of my living room, having a good cold beer with Barbie and Ken while I polish some rocks with Holy Hobbie. Sounds like the perfect evening to me!
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•. jenni


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