UTI think I'm gonna die
UTI think I'm gonna die
Dear baby Jesus, make it stop.....
It just wouldn’t be a year in the life of a girl without getting one- a dreaded UTI. (For those of you who have no clue what I’m talking about a UTI is a urinary tract infection aka bladder infection) How do people function normally in their daily lives while dealing with this? I woke up feeling like I was going to pee myself and almost didn’t make it to the toilet before I realized what was happening. When the thought entered my mind I felt my face squinch up, but that may have also been from the agonizing pain of fire shooting from my body. Why does it always feel like molten lava coming from you? Dammit I hate these things.
Last time this happened I stocked up on the ingredients to remedy a UTI, according to the wisdom handed down to me from friends and family members. I have gone to the doc before for these things, but all he really tells you is not to have dirty sex, and to stay clean while taking a load of pills. I’ve been able to cure it myself before for a lot less than that co-pay cost.
I’ve tried Cranberry juice before, and all it really does is help you to pee more. I have even tried 100% sugar free cranberry juice and people I DO NOT recommend it- it’s disgusting The idea is that the anti oxidants in the juice will help to neutralize the bacterial growth. But if the bacteria are already there...the cranberry juice does no good. Cranberry juice is only protective in the early stages. It doesn’t work.
I’ve tried drinking massive amounts of water. All this does is making the frequent trips to the bathroom more bearable. The idea is to purge your urethra of any bacteria hanging around. But all it really does is make you have to pee even more! It doesn’t work, but it does help.
I’ve tried drinking teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and honey in warm water. This is just disgusting, Id rather pee molten lava than have to drink this concoction six times a day. Yuck!
I’ve tried drinking baking soda mixed in warm water- again, it’s gross and helps in the beginning but in the end all it does is make me feel worse.
DO NOT DRINK CAFFEINE. I repeat- do not drink caffeine at all! Stay far far away from coffee and soda because all it will do is make you feel even worse. Caffeine is a diuretic and makes you feel like you need to pee more. I am guilty of thinking, there’s water in coke...right Jenni, great thinking.
I’ve tried the over the counter UTI pain relievers that come in the little orange pills. The first time I had an experience with these was through a prescription from my doctor. But you can buy them at the grocery store for much less. I was startled at first because it literally turns your pee iodine red. It also stains your toilets if you aren’t careful. These little tiny pills will take care of the sting, but there is nothing in them to help the bacteria. It helps, but doesn’t cure.
A couple years ago they found out that the live cultures in yogurt are helpful to women and their digestive tracts. I tried the new Dannon brand DanActive drinks the last time this happened and it helped IMMENSELY. I drank one drink for breakfast and another at lunch mixed with the pain relievers and gallons of water. This works!
So on my way to work this morning I stopped at the grocery store for some DanActive, some distilled water, and some UTI pain relievers. Hopefully by the end of the day I will feel better because I had to scoot to the restroom twice while in the grocery store alone! People look at you funny when you are bent at a 45 degree angle running through the store with your hands in your crotch like a two year old. \
Wish me luck! I'll post an update later today.
****Please note- I am NOT a doctor and these are merely suggestions. They may not work for you, but they work for me. If anyone has any more suggestions feel free to leave a comment. But please don’t sue me if your urethra falls out.
UTI think I'm gonna die
Dear baby Jesus, make it stop.....
It just wouldn’t be a year in the life of a girl without getting one- a dreaded UTI. (For those of you who have no clue what I’m talking about a UTI is a urinary tract infection aka bladder infection) How do people function normally in their daily lives while dealing with this? I woke up feeling like I was going to pee myself and almost didn’t make it to the toilet before I realized what was happening. When the thought entered my mind I felt my face squinch up, but that may have also been from the agonizing pain of fire shooting from my body. Why does it always feel like molten lava coming from you? Dammit I hate these things.
Last time this happened I stocked up on the ingredients to remedy a UTI, according to the wisdom handed down to me from friends and family members. I have gone to the doc before for these things, but all he really tells you is not to have dirty sex, and to stay clean while taking a load of pills. I’ve been able to cure it myself before for a lot less than that co-pay cost.
I’ve tried Cranberry juice before, and all it really does is help you to pee more. I have even tried 100% sugar free cranberry juice and people I DO NOT recommend it- it’s disgusting The idea is that the anti oxidants in the juice will help to neutralize the bacterial growth. But if the bacteria are already there...the cranberry juice does no good. Cranberry juice is only protective in the early stages. It doesn’t work.
I’ve tried drinking massive amounts of water. All this does is making the frequent trips to the bathroom more bearable. The idea is to purge your urethra of any bacteria hanging around. But all it really does is make you have to pee even more! It doesn’t work, but it does help.
I’ve tried drinking teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and honey in warm water. This is just disgusting, Id rather pee molten lava than have to drink this concoction six times a day. Yuck!
I’ve tried drinking baking soda mixed in warm water- again, it’s gross and helps in the beginning but in the end all it does is make me feel worse.
DO NOT DRINK CAFFEINE. I repeat- do not drink caffeine at all! Stay far far away from coffee and soda because all it will do is make you feel even worse. Caffeine is a diuretic and makes you feel like you need to pee more. I am guilty of thinking, there’s water in coke...right Jenni, great thinking.
I’ve tried the over the counter UTI pain relievers that come in the little orange pills. The first time I had an experience with these was through a prescription from my doctor. But you can buy them at the grocery store for much less. I was startled at first because it literally turns your pee iodine red. It also stains your toilets if you aren’t careful. These little tiny pills will take care of the sting, but there is nothing in them to help the bacteria. It helps, but doesn’t cure.
A couple years ago they found out that the live cultures in yogurt are helpful to women and their digestive tracts. I tried the new Dannon brand DanActive drinks the last time this happened and it helped IMMENSELY. I drank one drink for breakfast and another at lunch mixed with the pain relievers and gallons of water. This works!
So on my way to work this morning I stopped at the grocery store for some DanActive, some distilled water, and some UTI pain relievers. Hopefully by the end of the day I will feel better because I had to scoot to the restroom twice while in the grocery store alone! People look at you funny when you are bent at a 45 degree angle running through the store with your hands in your crotch like a two year old. \
Wish me luck! I'll post an update later today.
****Please note- I am NOT a doctor and these are merely suggestions. They may not work for you, but they work for me. If anyone has any more suggestions feel free to leave a comment. But please don’t sue me if your urethra falls out.
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