One of those Deja vu things
One of those Deja vu things
I haven’t had Déjà vu in a very very long time.
I'm not sure whether I should be scared of that, or relieved.
You see, I am one of those people who believes in a few things that not a lot of people do anymore in these times. Reincarnation, fate, and the fact that we are here on earth to fulfill a purpose are a couple of things I strongly believe in. In addition, déjà vu is very important to me.
I am torn between two theories on déjà vu. The one that most people will give as an explanation is that it happens because our brains recognize a memory but don’t know where to retrieve it from, so it makes us feel like we have done something or been somewhere before in a similar way. Or that it was a dream once. Unless I’m psychic, I’m just not sure I buy that.
What if we are living in alternate realities over and over again after reincarnation? What if our souls really are brought back and when we experience déjà vu it is because our soul is reliving the same memories over again because of fate? What if our lives are already mapped out for us, and déjà vu is a way of telling us that we are on the right path? If déjà vu is a reminder that we are here for one reason, how do we know when we have gotten there?
But what if déjà vu is a way for fate to tell us that we are on the wrong path- again? If our souls really are living the same lives over and over again to reach one final purpose, those memories are there repeatedly because in past lifetimes we took the wrong path. Otherwise our souls wouldn’t be remembering a former lifetime if it had reached its goal; it would be renewed to create new memories. So if there is no déjà vu, does that mean we are on the right path?
I like that last hypothesis best. I think that I am on the right path finally, and not having déjà vu is a sign that I haven’t been down this road before; it’s all new to me. Maybe because of the changes I have made in my life recently, I have changed my own fate. Is that possible? Or is this what fate has had in store for me all along?
If fate really is written in the stars, maybe experiencing déjà vu is a way of showing us our own roadmap in a tiny glimpse. Maybe it happens at the crossroads of our destiny, and it is up to us to choose the right direction to follow. Perhaps a few years ago I wandered off the path that fate had in store for me to follow and because of the lack of feeling that déjà vu thing, that’s fates way of telling me I’m going to be okay. I like that.
Yeah, I feel good about this; I think I’m back on the right path finally.
One of those Deja vu things
I haven’t had Déjà vu in a very very long time.
I'm not sure whether I should be scared of that, or relieved.
You see, I am one of those people who believes in a few things that not a lot of people do anymore in these times. Reincarnation, fate, and the fact that we are here on earth to fulfill a purpose are a couple of things I strongly believe in. In addition, déjà vu is very important to me.
I am torn between two theories on déjà vu. The one that most people will give as an explanation is that it happens because our brains recognize a memory but don’t know where to retrieve it from, so it makes us feel like we have done something or been somewhere before in a similar way. Or that it was a dream once. Unless I’m psychic, I’m just not sure I buy that.
What if we are living in alternate realities over and over again after reincarnation? What if our souls really are brought back and when we experience déjà vu it is because our soul is reliving the same memories over again because of fate? What if our lives are already mapped out for us, and déjà vu is a way of telling us that we are on the right path? If déjà vu is a reminder that we are here for one reason, how do we know when we have gotten there?
But what if déjà vu is a way for fate to tell us that we are on the wrong path- again? If our souls really are living the same lives over and over again to reach one final purpose, those memories are there repeatedly because in past lifetimes we took the wrong path. Otherwise our souls wouldn’t be remembering a former lifetime if it had reached its goal; it would be renewed to create new memories. So if there is no déjà vu, does that mean we are on the right path?
I like that last hypothesis best. I think that I am on the right path finally, and not having déjà vu is a sign that I haven’t been down this road before; it’s all new to me. Maybe because of the changes I have made in my life recently, I have changed my own fate. Is that possible? Or is this what fate has had in store for me all along?
If fate really is written in the stars, maybe experiencing déjà vu is a way of showing us our own roadmap in a tiny glimpse. Maybe it happens at the crossroads of our destiny, and it is up to us to choose the right direction to follow. Perhaps a few years ago I wandered off the path that fate had in store for me to follow and because of the lack of feeling that déjà vu thing, that’s fates way of telling me I’m going to be okay. I like that.
Yeah, I feel good about this; I think I’m back on the right path finally.
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